Islamic studies, islamicteachingresources, Workshops

Productivity Workshop

Alhamdulillah i had the oppertunity to deliver a two part online webinar on Productivity. Stuck at home in the lockdown of Covid-19 a very good friend of mine organised ‘Heart to Heart daily reminders’ for the community just before the start of Ramadan 2020. She asked me to speak on ‘Productivity’. The webinar content is mostly very general and can be applied to any context.

The two sessions address the following five questions:

  • Why do i need to be productive?
  • What can i do with my time?
  • Methods to increase in productivity?
  • What prevents us from being producitve?
  • How to tackle these barriers

Each session was one hour long.

Session 1 covers what is productivity? Why do i need to be productive in the light of Surah Al-Asr and the hadith ‘5 before 5’ as well as discussing four methods to increase in productivity: planning, to do lists, breaking down tasks and routines.

Session 2 covers what prevents us from being productive? A discussion on procrastination and four methods to tackle procrastination: eat the frog, self-discipline, be your own cheerleader and Du’a.

I used mentimeter to help engage and get to know my audience. You can see the results below. I also used the chat box feature in Zoom to allow my attendees to answer any questions i asked.

You can find the speaker notes and powerpoint presentations below.

Session 1 resources –

Sessesion 2 resources –